10 Essential Assets Every Student Pilot Needs: Tools & Technologies

Modern Flight


Flying across the world at the controls of some of the most sophisticated aircraft in existence, is, for many, a dream job. But from the point of view of Tools & Technologies, the road to a pilot career is not an easy one, with many hurdles to be overcome. Modern flight suggests several Tools and Technologies that every student pilot needs, few of them are mentioned as below:

1. I-Pad and Garmin Pilot/Fore flight App

There are various applications available in the market these days that increase situational awareness in the cockpit, Garmin Pilot/ForeFlight is one of them. It is the most popular electronic charts application that allows you increased situational awareness in the cockpit.

However, An iPad loaded with Garmin Pilot/Fore Flight may not be essential this time because you first have to learn to read paper charts, but during your training, you will learn to use this program and it will become one of your most important & handy tools. It also helps when you have enrolled yourself in a private pilot online course.

2. Electronic Logbook

The Electronic Logbook during your entire course would be beneficial to you, as it will be the best way you take notes, keep track of flight plans, and note down any relevant piece of information as it pertains to your advancement as a pilot. So, We suggest you always use your logbook to record every flight, including lessons learned and any passengers you take. It’s usually good to have a high-quality logbook on your very first day of flight school so you don’t have to transfer information between books at a later time.

3. Kneeboard with Pen and Paper

Experts at ModernFlight suggest Kneeboard with Pen and Paper is still an essential tool to take along with every flight lesson. With a kneeboard, you can have your writing tools and paper ready to go whenever you need to write down instructions, calculate flight paths, or record radio frequencies.

4. Charging Cords and Battery Backup

Experts also suggest that whenever you are using an iPad or other smart device during flight, always bring your charging cords and a backup battery, especially when you begin cross-country flight training.

Moreover, It is a good idea to pick up a strong enough battery to charge your iPad a few times, just in case. In addition, it helps when you need to charge your phone mid-flight, in case you need to make a call or come upon a great photo opportunity.

5. Non- Polarized Sunglasses

As you will be in the cockpit and It is possible to have much brightness above the clouds, so always have some non-polarized sunglasses to keep your vision protected. A pair of good non-polarized glasses won’t reduce the visibility through windscreens or instruments with their anti-glare filters.

6. Reliable Headset

While you are inside the cockpit, surely you must be requiring a reliable headset. The one you choose will be a personal decision, but generally, you don’t want to skimp in this area otherwise you run the risk of having to buy another set to fix the problem.

7. Flight Bag

It is recommended for you to keep your things in one place, and for this, you would be requiring a bag to keep all your essentials. And that’s what flight bags are for, to hold the other things on this list. It’s suggested to you to purchase a bag that is specially designed for the pilot’s requirements, instead of using any old regular backpack.

8. E6B Flight Computer

E6B Flight Computer is a manual calculator, which calculates different sets of formulas and conversions special for aviation. So, It is basically a device that Flight school students generally use for calculations & conversions. So, when you have trained completely, you can shift to an Electronic Flight Computer that does the calculations in a calculator format, but starting with E6B is a good option to start.

9. VFR Sectional Charts

“VFR sectional chart” is just a fancy way to say “maps”. And you will need a specific sectional for the region in which you will be training and flying. Check with your pilot shop or flight instructor for more information on your area’s specific chart.

10. Fuel Tester

During your course, you will learn about basic pre-flight checks and the other processes including testing the aircraft fuel for contamination that go along with it. Additionally, Some planes do not have a fuel tester or filter in the cockpit, so you might be required to purchase one for its exposure to the elements.

Contact ModernFlight for more information about FAA tests for pilots, online pilot training, and a private pilot online course.



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